Saturday, November 12, 2011

I got a wonderful surprise last night. My husband decided he was gonna go down to my 'down home' and pick up a tractor he is buying from my parents. And the best part... he was taking Mason with him! So I had a whole evening and night and day to myself. It has been wonderful!

First I followed them out the drive and headed to Ames to buy another EHD (external hard drive). You know one that will sit on my husband's desk and back up my back up and all his stuff. Then I had to stop at WalMart and get Mason some snow pants and a new snow coat since he is growing like a weed.

When I got home I stole the tv out of the kitchen and took it up to my bedroom and indulged in some good old movies. As a general rule we don't have tvs in our bedroom because a bedroom is for sleeping and before sleeping activities. That does not include watching tv. I was just so tired and had a huge headache and didn't feel like falling asleep in the living room. I fell asleep during the first 30 minutes and slept until after 9. Since then I've been working on my couple of sessions and waiting for my husband and son to get home.

My husband called about 30 minutes ago and told me they had a blow out near Glidden which is about 10 miles from Carroll which is a good hour from home... So I'm not expecting them until at least 8 if not later.

He actually called me to see if I would run to town and pick him up a inner tube and run it to him... Wisely he decided to drop the trailer and run into town to pick up his own. Ha! You'd think that after 11 years he would know the easiest thing would be to do that and get what he wanted the first time instead of waiting for me to get there with the wrong thing... because we know that is exactly what would happen. Thankfully he had his friend, Sterling, with him who, I'm afraid, was the voice of reason in the scenario...

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