Wednesday, February 1, 2012

30+ days...

I think I'm going crazy. I've been here over 30 days and still have 2 weeks before I get to go 'down home' again.

I think this might be the longest I've ever gone... EVER...

 Now I'm ready to be over this head cold so I can get back to work finishing my quilt. I've learned not to quilt when I'm distracted. I lost a fingernail last week... It's a good thing I keep them long but still not the way I wanted to lose one. I've also got some other things I'm working on. I've also got to find some local seniors and start to break into the local scene. I'm tired of most of my business coming from out of the area. I've decided on seniors because they are so much fun to work with. More fun than newborns even... and since I'm fairly sure I forgot to show off my cousin's baby, Carlos...

He sure is a cutie. I can't believe the next time I go 'down home' I will be taking his 3 month pics... Time flies!

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